A team of volunteers coming together to make a difference! OUR CLEAN UPS CCG members work with Sea Shepherd Australia’s Marine Debris Campaign team who coordinate monthly beach cleans from March to October. The sites to be cleaned are chosen based on footfall
Feral Animal Program
admin2018-05-23T03:26:24+00:00Anyone with an interest in the natural environment or its conservation can and should join. Cape Conservation Group have been working with Parks and Wildlife for the past few years on reducing the impact of feral animals on the North West Cape. HISTORY: 2016-17
Protect Ningaloo: SAVE EXMOUTH GULF
admin2018-05-23T06:45:45+00:00Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec ligula ullamcorper, blandit nunc at, pharetra nisi.