Anyone with an interest in the natural environment or its conservation can and should  join.

Cape Conservation Group have been working with Parks and Wildlife for the past few years on reducing the impact of feral animals on the North West Cape.



Our “Feeling Feral” project introduced education and awareness of the feral animal problems on the North West Cape. This included rabbits, foxes. goats and cats. This project was very successful.


We are continuing to work with Parks and Wildlife to reduce the impact of feral cats, in particular, on threatened fauna. The project will assist in the collection of improved data collection about the impact of feral cats on the Ningaloo and Exmouth Gulf coasts, and in relation to species distributions, critical habitats and identification of threats to native animals.


The project will involve:

  • the direct removal of cats through trapping and baiting
  • educating the community about the impact of feral cats and threatened species recovery
  • encouraging responsible domestic cat ownership
  • public presentations on the issue

Involvement in this project is likely to engage our members in:

  • Shorebird surveying
  • Surveying workshops and training on black-flanked rock wallaby surveys, shorebird identification and feral animal control
    field work with Parks and Wildlife